Poetry - Imagery

Poetry - Imagery

Terms Related to Poetry - Imagery


the creation of sensory images through words

pattern of imagery –

the systematic use of imagery in a work


the combining of sensory images

visual imagery 

the creation of an image of sight

auditory imagery 

the creation of an image of sound

tactile imagery 

the creation of an image of touch

olfactory imagery –

the creation of an image of smell

gustatory imagery –

the creation of an image of taste

static imagery –

an image which is unchanging

kinetic imagery 

an image which creates a sense of motion or movement such as the wind in the trees


the understood or implied meaning of a word as opposed to the literal meaning such as the word home which has more meaning than just where a person lives.


the general feeling of the surroundings that is created by the work such as peaceful


the feeling that is created in the reader as a result of the tone or atmosphere in a work such as anger