Poetry - Figures of Speech

Poetry - Figures of Speech

Terms Related to Poetry - Figures of Speech

figurative language 

language that is used to mean some other or something more than it says; language that is used in a non-literal way

figures of speech 

various ways speech is used figuratively


a comparison using the word like or as


a direct comparison or equivalence

extended simile – 

comparison using the word like or as which is repeated in the poem; more commonly used in an epic poem where the same comparison is used throughout

extended metaphor –

direct comparison which is repeated in the poem; more commonly used in an epic poem where the same comparison is used throughout


attributing human qualities to a non-human or non-living object


saying more than what is meant; exaggeration


saying less than what is meant


referring to one thing by something else it is associated with: the crown to refer to the king


use of a part of a person to object to refer to the person or the object: the hand that rocked the cradle to refer to the person rocking the cradle


where the speaker speaks to a dead or non-present person


a reference to an historical event, aspect of culture, character or content in a piece of literature, or other widely known type of information to convey a feeling, idea, or image; serves to convey information using few words